New Feature: Changelog Email Notifications

We've made it even easier to notify your users when you make changes to your products with email subscriptions.

Keep your users up to date with email notifications

Keeping people up to date with changes you’ve made when they regularly visit your site is easy with our embeddable widget. It shows users how many changes you’ve made since their last visit, and in plenty of cases this is perfect, but what if the thing you’ve resolved or otherwise added was the aspect keeping them away? Or what if they're so invested in product updates that they want more up-to-date information on progress than refreshing a web page can provide?

With our latest feature, you can now allow users to subscribe to your changelog via email, and each time you push out a new changelog item, it will automatically notify all subscribers by email. The email which is sent out is branded with your logo and direct links to your changelog.

With all our plans, including our free plan, you can have unlimited subscribers. To enable the new subscriber functionality go into your changelog settings and click the “Subscribers” button. On the subscriber’s page you can toggle the subscriber option on or off and see an overview of who has subscribed to your changes. Finally, you can remove subscribers from your subscription list.

All changelog notifications go out with a one-click unsubscribe link for your users so if they do want to stop receiving the notifications at any time this is made easy and you remain compliant!

We’ll be rolling out even more features in the coming weeks to ensure you can keep your customers up to date with the awesome things you’re doing!

Until next time, Tata!


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